<aside> 👉 If you're considering deleting your Addy account and all associated data, we've provided a step-by-step guide to help you through the process. Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure your account is securely and permanently deleted.


Video Tutorial


Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access Addy Extension Options

  1. Open Your Chrome Browser: Start by launching the Google Chrome browser on your device.
  2. Navigate to Chrome Extensions: Click on the Chrome extensions icon in the top-right corner of your browser. This icon looks like a puzzle piece.
  3. Find the Addy Extension: Look through the list of installed extensions for the "Addy" extension.
  4. Open Extension Options: Click on the Addy extension to open the extension options page.

Step 2: Navigate to Addy AI Extension Settings

  1. Verify You're on the Settings Page: Ensure you're on the Addy AI extension settings page. This can be confirmed by seeing a gear icon selected at the top of the page. If you're not on the settings page, click on the gear icon to navigate there.

Step 3: Initiate Account Deletion

  1. Scroll to Delete Account Section: On the settings page, scroll down until you find the "Delete Account" section.
  2. Request Account Deletion: Click on "Delete my Addy account and data."

Step 4: Confirm the Deletion Request

  1. Confirm Your Choice: A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm if you really want to delete your account. Click on the "Yes, delete my account and data" button to proceed.

Step 5: Email Verification

  1. Check Your Email: We will send a secure link to the email address associated with your Addy account. This email will contain a link to delete your account, which is valid for 24 hours.